

I can barely stand myself right now!  AccidentallyAllison has been nominated!!!!! I want to start by saying THANK YOU to 0110 Atelier for taking the time to choose me along with 10 other amazing blogs! So I have to answer these 11 questions that I’ve been given and I will definitely comply with the other terms of the nomination.

 After you receive a nomination and accept taking the award you must:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you
  • Create a blog post on your site and display the Liebster award logo
  • Answer the 11 questions assigned by the blogger who nominated you
  • Nominate 11 new bloggers for the Liebster Award
  • Give your nominees a list of 11 questions they have to answer to keep the love going
  • Notify the nominees
  • Post your Liebster award blog post link in the comments column of the blogger who nominated you

11 Questions Given to me by 0110 Atelier

  1. What 3 words describe you the best? – Outgoing, Funny, Kind
  2. Why did start blogging? – I thought I had a story to tell that was interesting with twists and turns that could help someone feel not alone
  3. From where does your blogging inspiration come from? – All my stories are true life experiences
  4. What is the subject you would like to know more about? – Life Coaching, it would go hand in hand with what I talk about
  5. How do you keep your content original and interesting? – Life is never dull and therefore I always have something to talk about
  6. What is your biggest struggle when in the internet world? – I don’t want to be too pushy…. I want to leave my readers wanting more.
  7. What is your favorite social media? – Facebook, although I may be falling in love with Blab
  8. If you could be anyone for one day, who would it be? – Jackie O
  9. What do you like to be remembered for? – For my never give up attitude
  10. What is the most amazing thing you habe ever achieved? – I have raised two incredible daughters for the past 16 years on my own
  11. Favorite book or movie? – Book – South of Broad, Movie – Father of the Bride

11 Blogs Nominated (in no particular order)

  1. Chasing Destino
  2. Tamara Like Camera
  3. Jsack’s Mom’s Blog
  4. The Plagued Parent
  5. Kelzbelzphotography
  6. My OBT
  7. Project Pastry Love
  8. Round And Round Rosie
  9. Eclectic Soapbox
  10. New World Mom
  11. Living with Batman

My question for the nominees

  1. What makes your blog different?
  2. How often do you post?
  3. What’s your favorite quote?
  4. What’s your favorite blog to read?
  5. How would you describe your blogs message?
  6. How is your writing different now than when you first started blogging?
  7. Where do you want to retire to?
  8. Tell me something not many people know about you?
  9. Which one: Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest?
  10. Have you received any other awards in the world of blogging?
  11. Describe your writing style in one word.

Ok!!  Now it’s your turn nominees! Nominate some blogs and keep the love going!!