
Transformation Tuesday with @Shayfit97

As you know I am all about the journey.  Whether it’s a personal, spiritual, professional, financial or anything in-between each person’s goals are different and therefore cannot be compared to those of another.  I think today is the perfect day to introduce to you a young woman who I personally have seen make this amazing transformation… Continue reading Transformation Tuesday with @Shayfit97



As most of you know who read my story, I have gone through some pretty rough disappointments when it comes to love.  I have been doing a lot of thinking about this lately.  So much so, that it sometimes feels like my brain is on overload.  I have been quiet for a few months now… Continue reading Perspective


A Mother’s Day Note To My Daughters

I have been a mom twenty-one years.  I fell in love with both of you even before you took your first breath.  As you grew inside of me I never realized that once you were out in the world, how much a part of me you would always be.  I have lived my life as… Continue reading A Mother’s Day Note To My Daughters


Bringing It Back Around

So it’s been quite some time since I’ve sat at the computer and spilled my heart out.  I thought I’d bring you all back around to what’s been happening, what hasn’t been happening and what’s about to happen. First: What’s Been Happening Well, to be quite honest I’ve been spending  a lot of my life… Continue reading Bringing It Back Around


Overflow – Recap of Where We Left Off

One evening Dimples and I were out to dinner.  We were having a fine time, laughing and drinking and eating when all of a sudden the flood gates opened.  Sometimes my own emotions sneak up on me and there I was in the middle of a restaurant crying and saying things like “This isn’t working… Continue reading Overflow – Recap of Where We Left Off


Hand in Hand Hiatus

I will be gone over the next few days and I wanted to let you know why. So here’s why….no big aha moment or monumental life altering event, I will be away from the computer due to my hand(s). I have Dupuytren’s Contracture and if you don’t know what that is, I have added the… Continue reading Hand in Hand Hiatus


He Said/She Said – Just Push Play

He Said Whether you use ITunes, Pandora or some other streaming music service, we all create our own playlists of songs that put us in certain moods. Maybe you have one called Bang Your Head when you hit the gym or Fire for Two if you are looking to be romantic. However, it you have… Continue reading He Said/She Said – Just Push Play


Reality Sets Back In

Much like all things, the high subsides and reality sets back in.  Dimples and I were fine, but we were no longer on the high of getting back together.  I noticed that I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder and it was harder for me to let go of the pain I… Continue reading Reality Sets Back In


Dream Sequence

The next few weeks were like a dream.  We picked up right where we left off and we were better, stronger, more in tuned to each other than ever.  Our relationship had been taken to the next level.  We were in sync and it was pure bliss.  Everything about us was better.  I was better,… Continue reading Dream Sequence


And Then…There He Was

And then out of nowhere… email lit up.  It was Dimples.  It had been a little over a month since I had heard from him and there his name was.  Lit up in my email.  My heart dropped, my stomach flipped and I almost didn’t open it.  I wasn’t sure I could handle anything else… Continue reading And Then…There He Was


He Said / She Said -When Life Gets Messy

He Said Life is one big mixing bowl. Add one wife or boyfriend, rent, multiple bills, pets, jobs, a social life, dreams, hope and desires together and that is your life salad. It gets tossed about over and over and we keep adding ingredients until we find the perfect mixture. However, some ingredients are harder… Continue reading He Said / She Said -When Life Gets Messy


The Day I Let Go

It was going on a month now that I got that God awful text from Dimples.  A month.  A full month. We were now in February and the dream of us working out had begun to fade.  The feelings of anguish had begun to subside and I was now coming to terms that we were… Continue reading The Day I Let Go